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Don't forget help doesn't have to start when you're in crisis. 

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) - did you know you could self refer to IAPT? They are our lowest level of Mental Health Services. Google IAPT and your local area. Brighton IAPT.


Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) -does your work have an in house EAP? If so you can receive support on the day, over the telephone or within a few days face to face. Often EAP therapists have worked for the NHS. Alternatively, you may have private health care which can be used to see a private therapist.


Samaritans 116 123 - did you know you can call the Samaritans for any reason, even if you just need a chat.


999 - it's a myth that 999 is just for a physical health emergency if you're worried about someone the police are the only service who can break and enter, emergency services can also send out an ambulance and police escort to get someone to a place of safety.  


A&E/Emergency GP Appointment -if you're worried about yourself or someone else you can go to your GP or A&E for a psychiatric assessment. Following the assessment, a decision will be made on how to keep your or the individual safe. This could involve being taken to a mental health hospital as an inpatient.

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